Welcome to Akurate Dynamics
Delta CPS-HV Proportioner
The Delta CPS Proportioner brings together innovation and guaranteed on-ratio application. With gear pumps and custom in-house designed and manufactured heat exchangers, the Delta CPS Proportioner is "hands-off" and intuitive.
Experience the Akurate Advantage:
Easy-to-use system
Seamlessly designed components built in-house
Low maintenance costs
Gear pumps have fewer moving parts requiring less maintenance
Always On-ratio
Integrated software adjusts motor speed based on high resolution flow meter data for a guaranteed 1:1 ratio
The Deltalite Hose System is compatible with most industry standard proportioners. The Deltalite Controller and the addition of flow meters, essential turns an analog hose system into a digital system for more precise control of temperatures and pressures.
Six temperature sensors are placed ​in both ISO and Resin Hoses for precise control
Pressure measurement is taken 24' from the gun end of the hose
Independent internal heating element for each 50' section of hose instantly heats the hose to exact set point in any condition​​
Whole hose 25% lighter than industry average​
Whip 65% lighter than industry average​
More Durable​
Hoses are wrapped with a ballistic grade nylon cover with extra protection installed around electrical components​
Tank System
Akurate Dynamics is intimately familiar with the issues surrounding the 55 gallon drums. From exposed chemical to sprayer safety, we've eliminated the industry's most pressing problems.
Chemical mixing
Our tanks include a built-in auger to ensure that chemicals are ​mixed properly
An on-board nitrogen generator prevents chemical crust
Our tanks are securely attached to the floor of the rig, eliminating the need for transporting heavy, awkward 55 gallon drums
A diaphragm pump quickly and easily fills tanks with chemical
Closed System​
A closed chemical system ensures safer, more efficient, and more accountable process of handling chemical