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Spray Foam Market – Reflecting on the Past, Looking Towards the Future

As we begin this new decade, we wanted to take a look at all of the exciting innovations that have occurred in 2019 that have advanced the spray foam industry as a whole. In the past year, we saw new technologies and best practices grow in leaps and bounds in the spray foam industry. In 2019, we saw a fundamental change in the way spray foam is applied. We also saw improvements to legacy systems, and we saw radical innovations that could disrupt the industry as a whole.

Flow Meters

Until recently, technology that could track spray foam application and ratio in real-time didn’t exist. In 2011, Akurate Dynamics introduced the first spray foam proportioner that utilized flow meters to drive individual gear pumps which could better keep chemicals on-ratio. Combined with “Certificate of Conformance” reporting capability, there was now documentation available to assure builders, inspectors and end-consumers that the job was performed correctly. This very important innovation drove industry change. In 2019, flow meter technology along with job documentation became more widely available in the market from other leading equipment manufacturers.

Hose Technology

Akurate Dynamics also introduced innovative hose technology that used internal heating in 2011. Then Akurate Dynamics announced in 2019 that the DeltaLite Hose system, known for its internal and independent heating elements and light weight, was now compatible with most industry standard proportioners. This drove innovations from other equipment manufacturers who then brought improvements to their own hose technology such as resistance heating and woven heating elements.

Remote Technical Support

Technology, in general, has been moving towards IoT (Internet of Things) with remote connectivity to just anything electronic in nature, from coffee-makers to self-driving cars. Akurate proportioners utilize technology that was easily adaptable to remote connectivity. This allowed us to implement remote technical support with the recent release of Rig Connect. With Rig Connect, technical support personnel are able to troubleshoot issues or make adjustments to the proportioner remotely. Other equipment manufacturers are currently in the process of developing their own similar remote access solutions.

Advancement of the Industry

We believe in spray foam and its benefits to the end-consumer and will always strive to innovate and drive higher spray foam adoption in the broader insulation industry. Akurate Dynamics is proud to be leading spray foam, and helping to facilitate the advancement of the industry. We look forward to the continued growth and innovation with our partners, with other equipment manufacturers and chemical providers and also with the broader industry as a whole.

Going to SPFA?

Come and see us at Booth 211. Check out our Read the Foam game for your chance to win a Proportioner, hoses and foam sets.


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